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  Tank Battle this Thursday!
Posted by: emalafeew - 05-21-2019, 06:20 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (6)

We've created our first head-to-head Event, and hope everyone can join in this Thursday from 8-11 PM ET to test it!

It's going to be a Thunderbowl tank battle, where players are paired off for 5-minute matches.  The best score gets a point on the Event leaderboard, so keep playing to get more wins until the Event ends. You can see it now in the Upcoming Events section of vzfit.com/events and in-game.  Before it starts, make sure you have the new Play build we'll be releasing tomorrow.

Tank scoring for head-to-head is like solo, except that there are no waves, and player kills are worth 120 base points compared to AI kills worth 10 base points.  As with the solo game, base points are multiplied by your kill streak, which is capped at 8x and resets to 1x if you get hit.  If you are the first player, you'll just play in solo mode until a second player joins and begins the match.  VZ staff will be playing for competition but won't get points on the leaderboards.

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  Quest Support
Posted by: Officespaced - 05-21-2019, 11:37 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (12)

My new Quest will be delivered today.  What is the current state of support for this device? On VZfit, instead of the Oculus download codes that you see for the Go, there's messaging to contact Support to access the Quest beta apps. I did reach out to Support, but I've not heard back as of yet. I take it they are not quite ready for release.  When I do get the beta apps, will I have to side load them?

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  Sensor for research at the university at Copenhagen
Posted by: SteenPetersen - 05-20-2019, 07:07 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

Dear Virzoom,

I started a thread on this forum a long time ago which seems to be removed now and have been in contact with support about getting access to a sensor for the purposes of research at the university of Copenhagen. I am writing my Master thesis and one of the prototypes that I wish to build will apply this technology in order to do so. My last three emails to support@virzoom.com have gone unanswered and I would love to hear from someone about the possibilities of acquiring a sensor. My university has provided me with funding for a sensor and I would like to discuss some details about delivery and purchase that must be done through the university.

Please contact me at your earliest convinience either by posting in this thread or shooting me an email.


Steen Petersen

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  [split] VZfit Explorer updates
Posted by: Superlith - 05-18-2019, 12:16 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

Just tried explorer with the trainer. Very little difference between a hard, medium and light exercise. You have to pedal pretty hard all the time to keep up with the trainer.
There should be a significant difference and there should be a chance to rest when it is light or medium.
Yellow dots are still seeing intermittently. I did Italy ride from the suggested rides .
I always was puzzled how to get in and out of ride. It is still the same after a while. It should be a very clear way to pause easily and resume easily the ride. You may want to pause the ride and go to the menu to resume or easily go to different ride instead . When you open Now you go to the same ride as I did previously and stuck there there in the middle of the street.

After finishing work out in the middle of the route. There is no way to close it and lgo to VZfit play from VZ Explorer.

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  VZfit Play update feedback
Posted by: Superlith - 05-18-2019, 11:28 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (64)

I went through unlock upgrades in Thunderbowl, but I don’t see giant Mech

I’m using Oculus go

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  [split] VZfit Play updates
Posted by: Steve59405 - 05-15-2019, 12:42 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (2)

Hi, I just tried Thunderbowl and I don't see any option to select a mech. It just goes right to the tank. I did the update today. Also, do you not have Winterstan anymore? It's been awhile since I've played it. Thanks

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  [split] VZfit Play updates
Posted by: Superlith - 05-14-2019, 07:22 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (2)

Live event for tank thunderbolt after I collect all gems in the row it shows that I am getting 100 points extra bonus, it pops up that I’m getting bonus, but when I look at the score it’s not added. I get 10 points per each gem, but not 100 points bonus at the end.

Also after about 40 waves when you start the next wawe it shoots the first shot spontaneously when you just entering the next wave.

When I was playing Saturday Sunday and yesterday there is quite a bit of flickering and blurriness when turning sideways any direction . Makes it very difficult to shoot since it is very blurry. You have to stop to aim and shoot.
this is completely gone when you are going Straight forward and not turning. It is very annoying. Not sure if this is a problem with my Oculus goal or servers.
I also noticed this morning that were in trying to check the leaderboard on the life event when you click on particular player there is error message with server down.

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  VirZoom Bike Disconnects
Posted by: Virtual_Davey - 05-13-2019, 05:11 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

I'm using an Oculus Go with the Virzoom exercise bike. Sometimes I accidentally pull both handlebar triggers 3x rapidly, because that is how we used to recenter our view. I know that recentering is now an option on the hud, but sometimes I forget and try to recenter the old way. I've noticed that if I press both triggers 3x rapidly it now disconnects  the bike (with a "bike not connected" message) and boots me back to the game selection screen.  I don't have to shut off/turn on the bike to reconnect, I'm able to freely choose a game again.

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  Online Leaderboards
Posted by: emalafeew - 05-12-2019, 04:23 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (22)

We've checked in the first stage of online Leaderboards for all games.  

On vzfit.com/stats you'll now see your Rank in all Play games and total Spins.  Click on each rank to popup the leaderboard of everyone's best scores.  Each player in the leaderboard is linked to their stats page, so you can search back-and-forth between players and games.

(Note that anonymous kiosk players are filtered out of total Spins rankings, because many different people contribute to their total.  But they are still included in best individual game scores.)

Did you know you can save any web page as an icon on your phone home page?  On the iPhone for instance, hit the "share" button at the bottom of the screen and scroll right to select "add to home screen".  Choose a label like "VZfit Stats" and you'll be able to check your leaderboard ranks as quickly as checking an app.

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  vzFit hardware
Posted by: peteostro - 05-09-2019, 04:39 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

Hello, old Virzoom bike owner. I moved on from the bike, now have a trainer.
What is the hardware I need to make the VZfit apps work with my trainer (yes I know a bike trainer its not recommend. Any though of Virzoom making a front wheel holder to help support a bike with a trainer so you can support trainers?)
I'm looking at picking up an oculus quest around launch

Do we get any kind of discount on the new hardware?

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