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  You've got stats
Posted by: emalafeew - 04-09-2019, 06:36 PM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Our stats update is live!  Any feedback about our blog post on it?


Note that "VZFIT STATS" appears next to your forum posts and profile now, so you can check out who's talking.  

Disclaimer about my apparently weak stats--I have a different primary testing account but will play 'emalafeew' from now on!  And I know folks wish we could bring over VirZOOM Arcade stats, but the games and telemetry have changed enough that wasn't feasible.

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  No Lotus Pond?
Posted by: thdsn2002 - 04-09-2019, 05:24 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (4)

LOVE the VZFit with my Oculus Go, but no Lotus Pond game except for "Kiosk Only"?  In the past it appears some home users sans (official) VirZoom bike could play it either on Steam, PS4 or Xbox with a gamepad controller although a lot of complaints about unfair advantage, etc.  I have an old build available from 4/19/2018 back when I intended to buy the original bike.  I tried opening the old build with a combination of Oculus Rift w/ touch controllers, Windows 10 PC, Xbox One gamepad, Anself Ant+ USB dongle to see if anything got me past "Plug in bike dongle" page. No luck.  VZFit sensor is up and running.  That didn't do the trick.  Maybe pointless endeavor if no Lotus Pond there anyway.  Any thoughts?

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  A few questions for our Master thesis - University of copenhagen
Posted by: SteenPetersen - 04-08-2019, 10:19 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

Hello there,

Me and a colleague are doing our masters thesis at the university of Copenhagen where we are researching the effects of virtual reality on hospitalization length as well as the amount of re-hospitalizations. We are making a series of iterations with an array of different technologies that I myself am implementing. One of the ideas we wished to test involved the use of your technology.

I will be keeping this thread here so I can have a space to perhaps get some assistance in an open forum that may help others as well in the future.

I have been reading through the documentation before purchasing a device and I have a few questions:

1) I intend to use the app that I create in unity on an "Oculus go/Quest" but developing on a windows PC does this mean that I will still need a Dongle as per this comment

"There are additional steps that users will need to use Sensor Kit with Windows. We will try to avoid these in the future, but for now Windows users will need a VZ Dongle to talk to their Sensor Kit. Also, UWP users will need to install Autohotkey and run the script from Assets/StreamingAssets/vzbutton.ahk. "

As I understand it this is only needed when wishing to play the built game from a pc correct? It is not needed for development? please correct me if I'm wrong.

2) Are there any tutorials or guides for setup or better yet, samples made in the SDK that can be tested rapidly?

3) Are there any possibilities of sponsorship for a master thesis? Where we have created a living lab in a few hospitals in greater Copenhagen and have many doctors, nurses and professors involved?

I appreciate you taking the time to read my questions and perhaps even answer them =)

Kind regards,


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  Help with crash diagnosis
Posted by: emalafeew - 04-07-2019, 02:20 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

Hey all, we're currently tracking a crash report in Explorer that may not be real, and would like to ask that you respond here if you see such a crash yourselves. 

It feels a bit like War Games--we keep patching the system but it keeps coming back, and nobody has visually confirmed it.

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  New bike roads
Posted by: pauleasch - 04-03-2019, 05:18 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

Please indicate how to go to new road from oculus go with some examples like do a then b then c etc....
Thanks much.

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  battery issues
Posted by: MaryMerry - 04-02-2019, 09:58 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

Hi, I'm new to the VZ family and being Techno challenged doesn't help.  I was SUPER excited to receive & start using my VZFit but I keep getting "not able to connect, check battery" type messages for the button and sensor both.  I just realized that the batteries that came with my set are C2016 but the paperwork indicates they should be 2032.  Could that be the cause of my problem?  Or did the battery requirement change but the paperwork didn't get updated?

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  Now offering discounted yearly license!
Posted by: emalafeew - 04-02-2019, 04:59 PM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

By popular demand, we've added a "yearly license" option which saves you 33%.  

It is $119.95/yr, effectively working out to $9.99/month.

If you want to convert your monthly license to yearly, click "Cancel license" from vzfit.com/account.  Your license will still be good through your monthly end date.  When that end date comes around, click "Choose license" and select the yearly option.

Switching to a yearly subscription mid-month does not prorate your costs, so please wait until the end of your current month's term to choose the new option.

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  Event System possibilities
Posted by: emalafeew - 04-02-2019, 12:07 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (17)

The VZfit Event system is a hybrid of the Leaderboard and Challenge systems from VirZOOM Arcade, with some ideas from Expresso bike Challenges. 

Leaderboards were global (open to everyone) and automatically entered (you didn't have to pick them).  They ranked high scores from individual plays, and we had one for every game and reset them every week.  There was also a "virtual km" leaderboard that worked across all games.

Challenges were limited and visible only to friends, ran over a specified time period on a certain game, and could rank high individual scores or cumulative scores over that period.  They weren't entered automatically, you had to choose to enter them. And you saw ghosts of other challenger's best plays.

VZfit Events are based on certain games, can rank game score, spins, or time played, and are always cumulative over their period.  They are listed and must be entered on the Events menu.  They rank both individuals and teams, which we made for commercial fitness centers but could be created for home users.  The Events we create are global, but team captains can challenge other teams to Custom Events, which only appear to teams that have accepted.  We intend to have at least one global Event running at all times, and offer prizes to spur competition.  You can also look back at the results of any past Event.

We want to tune the Event system to be engaging and motivating for the most players.  We also know that top competitors from VirZOOM Arcade lived on Leaderboards.

We can think of a few things to try and would like people's opinions:

1. Automatic player-entry for global Events, like leaderboards.  So you could play games from the Workout menu and still be entered in Events. Could limit us from providing custom Event rules and in-game feedback in the future.  And might be weird if you won an Event prize without knowing, but hey you deserve it!

2. Bring back the "virtual km" leaderboard in the form of a "Spins Event" that ranks cumulative spins across all games, and is reset every week.  This Event at least would require automatic entry to work across all games.

3. Shorten our current pace for Prize Events, from monthly to weekly for $25.  This would allow us to rotate through more games and spread the wealth to engage more players.

4. A return to automatic Events for every game reset every week, proposed by arches77.  Could look pretty empty until we have a bigger player base on VZfit, and might conflict with prize events.

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  Forum bug: can’t jump to last post
Posted by: emalafeew - 03-30-2019, 03:11 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

I’m aware of the bug that prevents us from jumping to last post in a thread. For some reason that stops recognizing your login. It’s due to internal proxying to share your VZfit login with forum, just letting everyone know I’m looking into it.

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  VZfit Explorer Feedback
Posted by: z06blaze - 03-28-2019, 02:03 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (137)

So far, I've tried a few of the featured rides in VZfit Explorer which makes it really easy to get right into a ride with interesting locales. I wasn't sure how well the transitions between frames would work, but the fuzzing out and in works pretty well at lower speeds from what I've noticed and it worked better than I anticipated. One feature that could be cool or useful would be showing few second videos with a quick speed through or highlights when you hover over a ride to give you a preview of the featured rides and maybe an upvoting system along with that (also recommendations based on previous rides and compared to other users?). I like the freedom with the Google Maps Street View, but courses with defined distance and start/end points and approximate times could help for exercises as well as maybe multiple stage rides over the course of a few days like the Tour de France or longer trails/roads. An overlay to keep track of your best times or go against your own or a friend's ghost would also be nice motivators to make it more fun. A geocaching type thing to try and find cool natural features or details caught in the Street View footage (a screenshot mode to capture cool views or moments or gamification with objectives could go well with Explorer).

The main issues I've run into are steering with the head tilt, recentering the bike, and the rendering with objects jutting out really far. It feels like I need to tilt my head too far to the point where it's uncomfortable to steer and a sensitivity slider may help with this. Without any additional hardware, I'm not sure how well steering can be mapped from natural motion to VR besides the headset, but maybe the Oculus Quest controllers could be mounted to the handlebars with brackets or somewhere else to detect movement or pressure to better map leaning into a turn. The Quest head leaning tracking may work better than the Go, but the Go is all I have to go off of at the moment.

For the recentering, I often have issues with it and can never reorient the bike back with the road, even when I try recentering while facing another direction. I think it would help to make sure that recentering puts you and the bike parallel to the road instead of just reorienting the bike. I typically exit out and restart a featured ride to fix the orientation of the bike to the road. It's really disorienting going along a curve with the bike facing off at a slight angle not in the direction I'm moving. It may be better to have the bike go along a fixed track with transparent dotted or dashed lines along the road showing the path since this gets rid of the recentering or isn't dependent on the head tilt tracking and I can lean naturally into a turn without needing tracking. This could be a separate "lock to path" mode if people still want to have the freedom of steering. With a fixed path, it may also help the rendering artifact issues I see occasionally as well.

On the beta feedback side for VZfit Explorer or VZfit Play, it may help to have dedicated forums or threads for feedback rather than everyone creating their own threads. Looking forward to using Explorer more and I need to give VZfit a try.

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