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  Problems with Play update
Posted by: edmg - 05-05-2019, 03:46 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

I was cycling Le Tour today as I did many times in April for the event challenge, and I'm having three issues with the update that I installed before playing:

1. 60 rpm (measured by counting revs between gates) is showing up as about 85 rpm on the HUD. It may just be a display issue as the speed I was moving seemed to be about the same as it would have been last week at 60 rpm.
2. My heart rate while cycling is displayed as 180-200, and constant 200 if I take my hands off the handlebars. If that was true, I wouldn't be alive to post this Smile.
3. I keep doing wheelies. I think it's happening randomly when I look up at the HUD.

It's almost as though both rpm and heart rate are displaying about 50% higher than the real values. When I was just sitting on the bike after the game my Apple Watch said 84 bpm and the bike said about 115.

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  Please confirm compatibility
Posted by: atkinsonline - 05-04-2019, 03:51 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (11)

Hi, I bought the original Virzoom bike and used it for a while with the Vive but I ended up selling the Vive and the bike has been collecting dust ever since. And I've been getting less fit ever since.  

I've ordered the Quest and would love to resurrect the bike but I'm really out of touch with what Virzoom do these days.  I've just been reading about the ZFit and it sounds perfect but I live in the UK so I want to make sure before I order.

Can somebody please confirm that the ZFit works with the original Virzoom bike and I'll be able to connect them myself?  I'm reasonably techy.  I logged into my old account and it says "You have a lifetime VZfit Sensor Kit license." so that sounds hopeful for something or other!


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  Facebook Group
Posted by: jwarburg - 05-03-2019, 03:31 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (4)

Hey everyone, we're going to set up a Facebook Group to help promote the feeling of community.

We'll still be using these forums to make announcements, discuss ideas, collect feedback, etc. but a Facebook Group has some great utilities that can really help expand the community and attract new customers.  For instance, it's a great place for people to stream gameplay and organize multiplayer gatherings.  It can also be a place for people who aren't sure if they want to commit to us yet as customers, with a low barrier of entry to see what the experience is all about and ask questions.

So hopefully we can count on many of you to help us make it an active and vibrant community.  And with that said, what should we call this thing?

Some options...

VZfit Community
VZfit Riders
VZfit Users
VZfit Fans
VZfit Athletes

Obviously we need to make sure that it's something closely tied to our brand.  There's a rich history of people letting the internet name things to hilarious results.  I'm all for hilarious most of the time, but let's keep the name in there somewhere.

But this is for you.  What do you want to call yourselves?*

*we reserve the right to name it whatever we want  Wink

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  May Thunder Prize Event
Posted by: emalafeew - 05-02-2019, 10:31 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (21)

We've begun another $100 prize challenge.  This time it's for cumulative score in Thunderbowl through next Friday the 17th.  Beware of Superlith!

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  Feedback on VZfit Play
Posted by: Superlith - 04-27-2019, 10:01 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (103)

In the tank game with oculus go after 50 waves for some reason tank shoots one time spontaneously every time you started the new wave.

I like to exercise for more than an hour usually , many times 1.5hr without stopping. Options are only up to 45 minutes. Then you have to start from difficulty level one.
Please consider adding unlimited button. That would really help!

Pedaling fast makes the tank very little maneuverable. Huge radius to turn around. Radius is better when pedaling very slowly. Is there any way to fix that?

I like to exercise for more than an hour usually , many times 1.5hr without stopping. Options are only up to 45 minutes. Then you have to start from difficulty level one.
Please consider adding unlimited button. That would really help!

In the tank game with oculus go after 50 waves for some reason tank shoots one time spontaneously every time you started the new wave.

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  Any way to track my spins/activity without playing the games?
Posted by: Virtual_Davey - 04-21-2019, 05:55 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

Sometimes I just want to use my bike without the need to use my Oculus Go or the VZFit apps, but I'd still like to keep track of my spins and distance traveled. Is this a possibility?

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  Tagged Virzoom in facebook videos
Posted by: espo - 04-21-2019, 12:45 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

I've been trying to tag virzoom in some of the workout videos I've been posting and I'm not allowed to tag you. That's ok with me if it's intended. Is there a way to accomplish this. Maybe you can review the videos first but it seems like it would be good exposure for the products



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  Virzoom Arcade for GearVR
Posted by: phattanapon - 04-16-2019, 06:52 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

I've got my VZFit sensor and expect to use it with the upcoming Oculus Quest, unfortunately it will take months before I can buy it in my country.

However I have a GearVR with supported phones so I wonder if I can use them with VZfit sensor.

I found this blog post and looks like it could work but then I don't find a link on my account page to get the Virzoom Arcade for Gear VR.


Could you please let me know if I could use my Gear VR with VZfit? Frankly I don't want to buy an Oculus Go now just to abondon it when Quest arrive. Thank you very much.


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  Boston Marathon Update & Livestream!
Posted by: emalafeew - 04-14-2019, 05:00 PM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

We've got a fun event planned tomorrow for the Boston Marathon, and would love if everyone would spread the word on social media!  


The new build includes some features we're bringing to all rides in our next release: paths with directions to an endpoint, distance left and completion percentage while riding them, and a finish gate.  Those that ride the full path should see it in their Explorer "5000-10000" stats bar, even if it takes you multiple days. I also included an Easter Egg along the path, see if you can find it Smile

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  Suggestions / Requests
Posted by: espo - 04-13-2019, 09:25 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (34)

1. For the users of the classic bike that are now using the oculus go I would like to be able to see my heartrate in the headset like I was able to with the Oculus rift. I'm 61 so I want to keep an eye on my heartrate while riding

2. If possible make it where our speed can be seen in MPH

3. In the tour game when it says a fast pace to the next gate it would be nice if you could see what RPM or speed is needed to make it to the gate before the time runs out

4. When using the tour I'd like and option to have the speed displayed a little higher so you don't have to look way down to see what speed you are going

5. an Option for a motivation dog / zombie chasing you randomly during a ride that you would have to peddle away from quickly from would be nice

6. Is there anyway to have the bike do the exercising for me? (joke)

I'll add more as I think of them

I'm enjoying the workouts and I like the integration with the Fitbit. maybe you guys can market that aspect a little more

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