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  YouTube videos of rides, copyright?
Posted by: Tommi2 - 03-08-2021, 11:52 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

When i searched for info on YouTube for games that could use an indoor bike with VR glasses, it took a while to find VZfit. There doesnt seem to be many videos out there? Its hard to find this game by accident or even when trying to find something like it.

Is there some reason for this, like it's not allowed to upload VZfit videos because of copyright issues?

I would be interested in uploading some videos to my YouTube channel, if it doesnt lead to copyright issues.

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  J1K’s Chernobyl Tour
Posted by: J1K - 03-07-2021, 12:12 PM - Forum: Ride Reviews - Replies (1)

I’ve created a ride starting at the Woodpecker radar then onward towards the power station. If long, uninhabited, tree lined roads and open, empty highways are your thing then it’s a great ride. At around 40% you get your first tantalising glimpse of the sarcophagus as it rises ominously on the horizon before disappearing behind the trees. It’s also around this point where you see your first car and first hint that this isn’t a completely abandoned wilderness. You’ll slowly and ever so gradually start to see the odd car, truck and even some people as you ride along the otherwise empty highway until the 58% mark where you finally start to see more and more traces of the famous disaster site. At 60% you are amongst it and your hard work is rewarded with impressive views of the towers and sarcophagus. After cycling around the Chernobyl power station site you then jump (I need to work on this bit) to Pripyat where you can see the eerily empty buildings through the trees, eventually ending at the finish line which takes in another very famous landmark. It’s worth continuing the ride and exploring a bit more of Pripyat if you have time.

It needs a few more tweaks but Google coverage in the area is understandably sketchy so will take a bit more work to find a way of getting from Chernobyl to Pripyat without the jump. Overall I really enjoyed the ride though and hope others do too.

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  So frustrating
Posted by: cleee - 03-06-2021, 06:22 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

Problem solved, thanks to Spyder.

Tip: If you need to add a new sensor to the game, right after the game boots up, you have to click Stop Ride in order to get back to the main screen. It's the main screen on which you can update your sensor info. It does not appear in the Options menu.

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  vzfit app crashing
Posted by: JD95 - 03-03-2021, 02:25 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (2)

anyone else having trouble with vzfit app crashing on oculus 2?

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  VZ Sensor error "Gatt server disconnected"
Posted by: Churechawa - 03-02-2021, 11:41 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (4)

could you please do a quick look into and repair some bug error, which caused, that I cannot use the VZ Fit with sensor? On start screen it show error message "Gatt server disconnected"? P.S. The sensor is full ok and it has fresh battery.

Thanks for quick help!

Best Wishes
Daniel Polacek

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  Which bikes?
Posted by: Hillary - 03-01-2021, 05:34 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

I have an Echelon Connect. Will VZfit work without a sensor on that, or will I need a sensor?

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  creating maps
Posted by: Gary050264a - 03-01-2021, 02:23 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (2)

Hi all, I am trying to upload created maps and coming across the following my trying to upload  no such child: {http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2}Placemark

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  Recommended Button Controller?
Posted by: AfxTwn - 02-23-2021, 10:55 AM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Hi, please can someone recommend me a bluetooth button controller to use with Explorer as I don't like using the Quest 2 controllers. I hang them from my bike's handlebars but as they swing, they are constantly turning on the yellow pointer in game or the little red boundary box with the circle in it and I have to keep stopping to faff about with the controllers. They just don't seem to go into sleep mode and stay there, it's becoming really frustrating.

Better still would be if we could have either hand-gesture control or voice-control in the game supported so we could either use our hands in a similar way to how it works in the Oculus menu; looking at the palm of your hand could bring up the Explorer puase menu and then you could just use your fingers to point at the option you want and squeeze your fingers and thumb together to press enter. Or just simply use voice commands such as "Stop Ride", "Resume Ride" or "Options" etc.

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  Pausing vzfit
Posted by: Erinhatesfun - 02-21-2021, 02:57 PM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Hey there! 

Just got the app and I love it for my bike trainer, but if I’m doing a longer ride I often need a bathroom break in the middle aha. I’ve tried hopping off and leaving my oculus in my guardian area and I’ve tried running to the washroom with it still on my head and it always just stops and uploads my ride to strava. I’m wondering if there’s a way to pause the game without it thinking I’m done? It’s not thaaaat big of a deal it’s just sort of annoying to have one workout broken up into two sections. 


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  stopping while biking
Posted by: JamesB - 02-18-2021, 01:46 AM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

When I'm on the bike in Explorer and I go to change options, I grind to a halt. Since there's no distracted driving issue, as long as I keep pedaling I'd like to keep making progress. Any reason this couldn't be?

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