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VR but the cockpits and bike handlebars are in I missing something?
Hi Loyalty,
When you say 2D do you mean monoscopic, which renders the same perspective in each eye? We do stereoscopic rendering on both Go & Quest in VZfit Play, and default to stereoscopic on the Quest in VZfit Explorer with the option to do monoscopic. On the Go in VZfit Explorer we lock the rendering to monoscopic for performance reasons. Monoscopic also helps some people by reducing the perception of depth artifacts, which is why we lock Comfort Mode to monoscopic even on the Quest.

Stereoscopic doesn't have a big performance effect on the Go, but it can mean the difference between hitting 60 fps down to 50% battery or down to 25% battery in Explorer, which is pushing the Go for all she's got. That is tough to explain anywhere a regular user would notice, so we felt making it non-optional was best. If we're able to optimize it further so it doesn't affect framerate like that we can make it an option like the Quest.

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RE: VR but the cockpits and bike handlebars are in I missing something? - by emalafeew - 03-20-2020, 03:22 AM

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