The first third of the VRFS: Badwater - USA ride went fine and recorded perfectly on the usage page - YAY! 6017 spins, 47.3 miles in the app, 46.6 miles according to my bike. One break where I went to the oculus menu and then removed headset without covering the lenses. When I returned, the oculus home showed but I clicked on Explorer and the location loaded immediately without my having to reconnect and it kept the spins and time.
During the ride, I changed options occasionally, used a trainer for a bit, took a video through Oculus, tried to back up get a photo of the famous coyote... the usual.
Kevin - great about reaching 7500 spins! I don't know if I'll ever get there.
During the ride, I changed options occasionally, used a trainer for a bit, took a video through Oculus, tried to back up get a photo of the famous coyote... the usual.
Kevin - great about reaching 7500 spins! I don't know if I'll ever get there.