Iconsole+ support and Quest - Printable Version

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Iconsole+ support and Quest - Talwar85 - 06-28-2019

is there a plan to support Iconsole+ for reading and setting the parameters of some exercise bikes? It would be possible to use Google altitute data to change wattage depending on the route and showing heartbeats.
I think the product would be more interesting this way.

There would be no need for hardware,
just software with a monthly fee.

As a controller, the oculus thouch from quest would also work.

On Playstore there are already some 2d apps, which can show the potential.

RE: Iconsole+ support and Quest - emalafeew - 06-28-2019

It's a good idea to support iConsole to show heart rate and control wattage. But for playing our games, we tried a similar thing with Life Fitness LifeCycles, and determined that our hardware is necessary for the correct experience.

For instance, our crank sensor measures instantaneous speed several times a second in both forward and backward directions, and our thumb controls are easy to press repeatedly. I don't know what specs iConsole guarantees, but would be surprised if it provided more than one-second speed updates or the ability to measure reverse pedaling or any button inputs.

Note we had planned to sell our crank sensor alone, for use with hand controller for button input as you suggest, but got a lot of feedback that holding a controller on an exercise bike wasn't comfortable.

Our Sensor Kit isn't much compared to the cost of an iConsole bike, but we're looking into ways to making it an even better value, and like that it can adapt any stationary bike.